Thursday, April 7, 2011


On Wednesday morning the year 5’s went kayaking at Murray Bruce’s farm. I traveled in my family’s car with Dad, Mitchell and I. When we got there I saw five alpacas or more. Then group 2 gathered around Mr. Jury (I was in group 2). We had a healthy snack and went for a walk around the farm. At the end of our walk group 2 went up to the bank (about a metre away from the water) and watched group 1 kayaking. Next everybody
had lunch. After I was finished my lunch I put on a helmet and a lifejacket, and got into a red kayak. When I was out on the water I had to get under control, (all I knew was how to go around and around), so I asked one of instructors how to go straight and he showed me how to. This is how I did it, I just about did a turn but I paddled the other way. I stayed with that instructor and learnt how to kayak. Kayaking was the best day of outdoor education week.

By Breanna

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