Friday, August 28, 2009

Tekapo Fun

On the 26th of August Waimate Centennial School went to Tekapo. We travelled there on three buses. Ruma Kea and Pukeko went on one bus, Ruma Kakapo and Tui went on another and Ruma Weka and Kiwi went on the last one. When we arrived the junior school went ice skating first and the senior school went in the hot pools. In the hot pools Ella, Megan and I were giving each other piggy backs. After we got changed back into our clothes we ate our lunch. Then we saw Mrs Soper have a really bad fall on the ice. The senior school went ice skating after lunch and I only fell down once. On the ride back to school I sat beside Eden. I had so much fun.
By June

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tekapo ice skating trip

Yesterday Centennial School went to Tekapo. We went ice skating and we also went in the hot pools. The older children went in the hot pools first and the younger children went ice skating. In the hot pools it was so much fun but after a while it got too hot and we had to get out. The water tasted like salt but after a while you got used to it. When we were ice skating we had to wear really warm clothes. I only fell over once and boy did it hurt. At first I could not skate because I kept getting the wobbles. Mrs Soper had an accident and ended up having to go in an ambulance to hospital.


On the 26th of August Centennial School went to Tekapo on a bus for ice skating and hot pooling. The seniors went to the hot pools first while the juniors went ice skating. We all went to the changing rooms and changed into togs. The hot pools were really nice once you got in. The water tasted like salt but after you ducked under a couple of times you got used to it. There were three pools, one was shallow and not as hot, one was deeper and warmer and the top one was only for adults. After about an hour it was time to get out. We all went into the changing rooms and changed into warm clothes for ice skating. Before ice skating we had a bit of a lunch. When we got told we could get skates, everyone lined up and waited until we got to the office and got our boots. Mrs Soper was skating and broke her ankle and Mr Jury called for an ambulance. While waiting for the ambulance to come they gave her a blanket and she lay down on the seats. All of the senior school went onto the ice and started skating. The ice was really slippery but I used to rollerblade so I was really good at it. I could do 360s in the air. People had frames to help them skate. Sometimes I had one and people would come up to ask me for it alot. It felt like we skated longer than we were in the hotpools. When we got off the ice nearly everyone had somthing to eat. The teachers gathered all the kids up and got them on the bus and we all drove home.
by Kit


Yesterday Waimate Centennial School went to Tekapo to go ice skating and go to the hotpools. We had a great time. Ruma Weka, Kea and Kakapo went in the hot pools first. The water was so lovely. Ruma Pukeko, Tui and Kiwi went ice skating first, then we swapped over. I had a really great time and I hope we can go again.

by Hamish

Tekapo Fun

On the 26th of August Waimate Centennial School travelled to Tekapo. We drove there on three buses. Ruma Kea was on a bus with Ruma Pukeko, Ruma Tui was with Ruma Kakapo and Ruma Weka was with Ruma Kiwi. We hopped in the hot pools first. One of the hot pools was warm and one of them was cold. In the hot pools I was swimming with Xavier, Layton and Jack. After we got changed we ate our lunch. The junior school went ice skating first and the senior school went after lunch. Mrs Soper had a really bad fall when she was ice skating. We had lots of warm clothes on. On the ice skating rink I had lots of fun skating really fast.
By Isaac

Monday, August 17, 2009

Billybob's not that great holiday that turned out quite well!

Billybob had wanted to go on a holiday somewhere but it didn't work out very well as we didn't go to Christchurch. But he still had fun at home with me. He got a comfy bed. We played a game of guess who and he won because he wouldn't answer me when I asked him. Billybob found out about my ears and how they got pierced, and I had a feeling that he wanted his pierced too by the way he looked at my earrings. I read to Billybob and he enjoyed it alot. He seemed to like me reading to him twenty-four seven. I let him munch on my dinner though I didn't tell Mum. On Friday I had to go home straight away. I had to go out for dinner but I fed him before I went. I wasn't allowed to tell my niece that I had him or else she would want him. Billybob watched tv with my brothers when I was away at dinner. He met my sister and didn't like her much because she was mean to me. But we all had some fun that weekend and Billybob's weekend wasn't that bad after all.

By Tayla.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Term 3

At the moment we are learning how to write narrative stories. Any good examples are going up on the wall to show other children. We are really enjoying this type of writing.
We have just been to the Timaru Museum. We were learning about skinks and geckos. We learnt that geckos shed their skin in whole chunks but skinks shed their skin in small pieces. We had a great time up there and want to go back again some time.
On the 26th August the school is going to Tekapo. We will be ice skating, snow tubing and soaking in the hot pools. We can't wait to go.